lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013


Five months to remember forever!!


On Tuesday, was the last session of art classes, and I hadn't the opportunity to assist, because I had an obligatory class of music that I couldn't miss. It was a shame not to go, because attended two great artists like Toon and Charlotte.

I saw their website and I think that they are two great artists that everyone should know, since their techniques are very innovative and modern, according to my point of view. Here is their website for everyone who wants to visit it:

According to my friends have told me, they were working on different activities with them. The ones that I most liked are these:

- The one in wich they had to draw one of their collections, mine own is the car tuition of the the different countries that I visit. I have from New York, Greece, Madrid, Granada, Belgium, Amsterdam, Irland, London...

- And the other activity, in wich they painted a paper with lot of colours, and then, they painted it with black colour. After that, with a toothpick, you can draw as you want, and it's so beautiful the way in which the colors appear. I did it on my school, when I was young, and I remember that I win a prize. 

It was the last session of art class and I only have to say THANK YOU SO MUCH, because I have learned things I never thought that I could learn, and I have enjoyed each of the classes. From the first day we started, we've surprised with each of the activities that we worked, so I think it is a shame that this is over now, because I think we still have much to learn from the art world.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


For me, happiness is closely related to the things you love to do, such as your hobbies.
In my case, one of my biggest hobbies is traveling. When I travel to different countries, cities or towns, I feel happy, I like to discover new places, new cultures and new people.

During my Erasmus, I have visited different cities like brugge, brussels, antwerp ...  

But undoubtedly the best trip ever was last week when I had the opportunity to travel to Amsterdam with Mar, Eli and Naia.

Amsterdam is a great city, full of charm, beautiful places, museums, and many other things to do. 
We spent only two days, but two very intense days, without stopping to see and do things, and above all enjoying to the fullest.

After this wonderful journey, we can only wait for the next, which will be in two weeks to Prague, Vienna and Budapest.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2013


On the last class, we went to a museum about women, to see and to work, different activities to practice with our students. 

First of all, I want to emphasize that the museum was very interesting because we could learn lot of things about psychiatry, and we could see all the gadgets and machines that they used. Some of that things impacted me, because its were really hard things to see.

All of the activities that we did, were very interesting, but the activity that I most liked, was the first one, in which one of them, had to describe a picture, without we saw it, and try that we were drawing it equally. It was so funny to see both pictures, and to compare them, because the majority of them wasn't looking alike in anything. 

Other activities that we learned to do with children, were, for example, to invent the previous story of some picture, I mind, the teacher, said us a picture, and we had to invent two more pictures before that about what could have happened before it. Other activity, fo example was to imitate a picture, in pairs, and the rest of the class had to guess it. 

In general was a really good afternoon, because we learned lot of thing about the museum and also lot of activities to do with our pupils, that I thing was very important because if you want to go to some museum with them, you have to prepare some activities to do because sometimes, they get bored on there. 

Apart from this, I have thought one activity to do with children in a museum. It is quiet easy.
All children are sitting on the ground, and one of them, go outside the room, and the rest of them, think about some picture. When the other one comes, he/she has to do some questions for guess the picture that the rest have thought, but the others, only can say yes or no to her/his questions.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


On the last class, we were talking, first of all, about a famous book here: "A DOG OF FLANDERS", that is a story about Nello, and his dog Patrasche, in Antwerp, that finally have a sad ending. This was shocking for us, because we are used to hear stories with happy ending, and also the childs too, but we have to think that on the real live, not always everything has a happy ending, so i think that we have to teach it to our pupils, because is good that they know and understand the reality.

After that, we went outside to play some games. It was really funny for us, because normally, we don't do that thing at class. 
The main function of these games, was to introduce us, step by step to the drama. I think that it is a good idea, because normally, pupils have shame to act or to do something alone front of people, so if you start with some games, they can get carried more. 

In Spain, we have a typicall game for children, that is called "el pañuelo" (the handkerchief). For this game you have to divided into two groups, with the same number of people. The two groups are numbered, one by one, and placed in a horizontal row. Another person in the middle of these two groups, with a handkerchief in his hand, says a number, and the person in each group to have that number, must run to catch the handkerchief. the first one to catch it, must be leading to his team before the other caught him.

I think that is quite interesting and funny for children to play this kind of games, because not all in live is study and work hard at school. They have to enjoy on there and with these games they do it and also they learn to peer relationships and teamwork. 

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013


Yesterday, at class, we were working with computers, with different programs to record your voice, or for making videos etc. 

Like an activity we had to record with our voices a story that was based on a picture that we chose, Nazaret and me, invent a story about this het ( the picture is of MIRÓ): 

"Once upon a time there was a hen. But not a normal hen. It has a lot of coloured feathers. It was the most beautiful hen in all the farm. 

The others animals admired it. All of them wanted to play with the coloured hen, but it was refused the proposal.
One day, the dog Tim said:
-        Can you give me one of your feathers?
-        No, no way, it is only mine
Since this moment, all animals, did not want to play with it. For these reason, the coloured hen was sad, very sad. It was the solitary animal in the farm.
It decided to talk with the clever bird:
-        Hello, I am very sad because the others don’t want to play with me.
-        Maybe, you can share your beautiful feathers with others.
So the following day the hen went with the rest of the animals and it gave them its feathers.
It only stayed with  one beautiful feather but it was the most happy animal in this farm!"

It was very funny because we had to do the different sounds of the animals, but finally we get record it.

On my point of view, the class was interesting because we learned different programs to work with children, and now a days, it is very important because children are very used to work with computers and new technology, so this is an amazing form to work for them.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013


This week in Valencia, my home town, have been "Las Fallas".  
These are some typical festivals for many years, held only in Valencia. Consist in that throughout the year, falleros' artists, prepare a giant monuments, and the last day of the festivities, they burn.
This festival has become a major tourist attraction, as they are classified as International Tourist Interest.

They usually have satirical current affairs. "Las Fallas" usually consist of a central figure or composition several meters high, the largest over 30 meters, surrounded by numerous figures of cardboard, polyurethane (material in recent years is being replaced by more modern as polystyrene expanded, lighter and moldable), supported by a wooden frame. Include signs written in Valencian explaining the meaning of each scenery, always with a critical and satirical.


During these days, the falleras wear the typical costume:

From my point of view, this can be called art, because they are huge monuments, which cost much time to make, and are made with all the necessary details. I think it's a shame that the work of a whole year get fire, but it's a tradition, and the traditional festivals of Valencia.

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


As in the previous class, we were working with puppets, I would like to show a kind of puppets that are quite typical in Spain.

In particular, there are two very famous people, who are dedicated to acting with puppets. In the following video, you can see what they do.
Is very interesting to see how they do it because they must change the voice many times and also try not to notice them much.


Besides this, like here in Ghent is famous "Pierke Pierlala", in Spain, there are something similar "Giants and big heads."  
Giants are handled by people from within, which make it likely to move and dance to music.
The big heads, are people dressed carrying a very large head, and running after children.



The other day, at class, we were working with different materials, like paper mache, clay, and Wayang. 

To produce your own puppil, you have to follow some steps: 

1. Prepare the paper mache with everything you need: 

2. When the paper mache is dry, and compact, you have to take a piece of cardboard, a small ball, and paste it, to give shape to the puppet. Once done, you should choose the figure you want to do and put the mass of paper mache you need. Once molded, the figure, have to let to dry for at least 24 hours.

3. As it dries, you can sew the costume to put the puppet, for don't see the cardboard. In my case, I chose green cloth and I gave him a very simple way, because I don't know sew well.


4. After that, when your puppil dry, you can colour it as you want.  

5. And for finish it, you put the dress, and it's ready to play!! 

Besides this, we worked with clay, giving enough importance to the imagination, because the teacher said a theme or a word, and we had to create something related to this.

And finally,we create , by group, our own characters Wayang style, which, I had never heard of. At first it was quite difficult having to draw them because we were not sure how to do it, but finally this was the result:

This class has allowed me to learn new ways to work the theme of puppetry with the pupils. I think the materials we used, are not typical, at least in Spain, used to make puppets. As for processing, if children are very young, they would need help from an adult, but if students are already primary school, I think they can make their own puppets handedly.

I find it quite interesting that playing with puppets, since students can imagine and create their own characters and give them life in addition to these.
This session I really liked and enjoyed creating my puppet and group working on a new style of characters such as Wayang.

Andrea Pérez

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013


From my point of view, a place where you can find happiness, should be, that place where you can think in your things, have no preoccupations, and get the best of where you are

For this reason, in my case, that place where I can find happiness is my village, Gaibiel.
It is a village near Valencia, where you can breathe tranquility and harmony, as it is surrounded by mountains and not many people live there.

It's my father's village, so I usually go every weekend, and every time I go, I take power for the entire week. I love going, because in addition to having my family there, I can enjoy the calm that is not in the city.

In conclusion, I have chosen my village, because, in my case I think in a big city is hard to find a place where you are really happy, so this is where I can find happiness because long as I'm there I feel very happy and I never want to leave.

Andrea Pérez. 


This is the story of two children who had lost the blue bird, so they traveled sea and air to find it.
First they walked through the African savannah, 

 where the ground is all black.

Then they began to climb to see higher.

As they didn't find the bird, they decided to get into the forest, but neither found it.

 They decided to stop for lunch, because they were very hungry,

and after all day looking for the bird, they went to sleep.

The next morning, they took the bike to go to looking for it, 

and suddenly, in a lake, they saw a bird feather,

and when they turned around, they saw the bird.

So finally, they were quickly to take the bird,  because they didn't want that the blue bird escape them more.