domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


The other day, at class, we were working with different materials, like paper mache, clay, and Wayang. 

To produce your own puppil, you have to follow some steps: 

1. Prepare the paper mache with everything you need: 

2. When the paper mache is dry, and compact, you have to take a piece of cardboard, a small ball, and paste it, to give shape to the puppet. Once done, you should choose the figure you want to do and put the mass of paper mache you need. Once molded, the figure, have to let to dry for at least 24 hours.

3. As it dries, you can sew the costume to put the puppet, for don't see the cardboard. In my case, I chose green cloth and I gave him a very simple way, because I don't know sew well.


4. After that, when your puppil dry, you can colour it as you want.  

5. And for finish it, you put the dress, and it's ready to play!! 

Besides this, we worked with clay, giving enough importance to the imagination, because the teacher said a theme or a word, and we had to create something related to this.

And finally,we create , by group, our own characters Wayang style, which, I had never heard of. At first it was quite difficult having to draw them because we were not sure how to do it, but finally this was the result:

This class has allowed me to learn new ways to work the theme of puppetry with the pupils. I think the materials we used, are not typical, at least in Spain, used to make puppets. As for processing, if children are very young, they would need help from an adult, but if students are already primary school, I think they can make their own puppets handedly.

I find it quite interesting that playing with puppets, since students can imagine and create their own characters and give them life in addition to these.
This session I really liked and enjoyed creating my puppet and group working on a new style of characters such as Wayang.

Andrea Pérez

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Andrea,

    I'm very pleased to see that you have put pictures of the sessions on your blog and as well own pictures. It's very nice to see that you have done something with your puppet: you have finished it in you own way and visualized it here. Good work!

    Also your other post about Las Fallas is very enriching.
    Good job!
