lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


On the last class, we were talking, first of all, about a famous book here: "A DOG OF FLANDERS", that is a story about Nello, and his dog Patrasche, in Antwerp, that finally have a sad ending. This was shocking for us, because we are used to hear stories with happy ending, and also the childs too, but we have to think that on the real live, not always everything has a happy ending, so i think that we have to teach it to our pupils, because is good that they know and understand the reality.

After that, we went outside to play some games. It was really funny for us, because normally, we don't do that thing at class. 
The main function of these games, was to introduce us, step by step to the drama. I think that it is a good idea, because normally, pupils have shame to act or to do something alone front of people, so if you start with some games, they can get carried more. 

In Spain, we have a typicall game for children, that is called "el pañuelo" (the handkerchief). For this game you have to divided into two groups, with the same number of people. The two groups are numbered, one by one, and placed in a horizontal row. Another person in the middle of these two groups, with a handkerchief in his hand, says a number, and the person in each group to have that number, must run to catch the handkerchief. the first one to catch it, must be leading to his team before the other caught him.

I think that is quite interesting and funny for children to play this kind of games, because not all in live is study and work hard at school. They have to enjoy on there and with these games they do it and also they learn to peer relationships and teamwork. 

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